Elisa Quinzi

Elisa Quinzi

Elisa Quinzi

Reaching for Higher Vibrations with Astrology

Services Offered

Using the language of astrology, a session can feel like therapy. Consultations last approximately 75 minutes, but go as long as they need to. Please inquire for pricing and with any questions you have. I offer consultations for adults as well as for children, as birth charts offer essential guidance for parenting. Couples counseling is available as well.

About Me

I’ve been giving professional astrological consultations for over a decade after achieving certification via the maestro, Steven Forrest. Additionally I’ve self-studied for over 30 years, wearing out the pages of books by the greatest astrologers in the field, such as Dane Rudhyar, Liz Greene, and Stephen Arroyo. My clients consistently tell me they feel affirmed, lighter, and like they’re on the right path, following our sessions. I bring a lifetime of lived experience, as well as a high degree of consciousness, into the work we do together. I offer you a safe space, and a fresh perspective so as to gain greater awareness of yourself in order to access your free will and your source of true power.


“It was so friggin’ fascinating! This is the shit!”

Ida (client)

“In a cascade of experiences that started with your reading, my understanding of my life has expanded in a way I feel physically, in my chest, as if a cosmic roto-rooter churned through decades of confusion and questions and opened a brand new passage of light to my soul. You have a gift: God worked through you, and beyond gratitude, I feel awe at what your reading has done for me. From the depths of my wide-opened heart, thank you”

Cath (client)

“You’ve done more for me than my therapist.”

Heidi (client)

"The kingdom of heaven is within you." - Jesus