The norms and expectations of our environment have a powerful influence on the choices we make in life. Our need for love and belonging is primal and so compelling that to some degree it inhibits the development and expression of our authentic nature as it steers us toward beliefs and actions that win approval and acceptance from those around us. Fortunately, the planets support our evolution as currently we are encouraged to claim more freedom from outside influences. Cosmic configurations cause us to confront our urges to awaken to the truth of our essential nature. A portal opens and we gain access to creative ideas and sudden insights about ourselves, and about the very nature of reality itself that may appear to threaten the status quo. We must give ourselves permission to express our truth, as this is how the universe works through humanity to solve our earthly dilemmas.
ARIES (March 21–April 19)
Your need for freedom could come up against feelings of restriction in a significant relationship. As you courageously express your truth, you honor the other person and invite the possibility of moving forward in a fresh form. Let the chips fall where they may and trust the process to lead you in the right direction. A seeming loss could very well lead to a greater gain.
TAURUS (April 20–May 20)
The Roman emperor-philosopher Marcus Aurelius wrote in his journal, “… is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and keep warm?” Many a Taurean would answer a resounding, “Yes!” But now is not the time for that. This is a wakeup call! Love yourself so deeply that you give birth to a new and greater version of yourself. You are truly starting a brand-new cycle in your life and breaking free from the past. Don’t look back.
GEMINI (May 21–June 20)
Pull back from the barrage of stimuli and make a little time to be alone. You have an enormous opportunity to receive downloads from higher dimensions. You could potentially crack open and receive a spiritual awakening. Once received, generously share your experience and information with those around you. The universe wants to use you as a mouthpiece.
CANCER (June 21–July 22)
Your earning power and your self-esteem get a boost as you trust your intuition. Cosmic signposts encourage you to be vulnerable and express your authentic self at a group level. As you love yourself and take loving action on your own behalf, you will experience the sense of security that you’ve been seeking.
LEO (July 23–August 22)
You are embarking on a brand-new cycle as your newly awakened self. As such, some things could change in your life, including your mission. Whatever you do, do it with all the love in your heart, and trust that you are supported. The only requirement for the journey is that you put into practice all that you’ve been learning.
VIRGO (August 23–September 22)
The universe is knocking on your door with a message: Your routine has grown stale. There is much more waiting for you outside your comfort zone. Expand your horizon with great expectations and you will be rewarded. In moments of doubt, simply ask the universe for guidance and pay attention to the signs you receive.
LIBRA (September 23–October 22)
Sudden events that seem disruptive in fact open possibilities for your future. Join a support group or surround yourself with like-minded souls where you will find love and friendship that alter your direction in life for the best.
SCORPIO (October 23–November 21)
A new responsibility, interest, or project might seem to conflict with a current relationship. Allow yourself to be honest with yourself and with your partner, about your needs and desires, and you will likely discover you are supported in taking on your new venture.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21)
Honor your need for more freedom in your daily routine. A 9–5 job might not be right for you. Or perhaps you need to work from home, or create your own schedule. A trip far from home can bring much needed perspective to help you sort out your next big decision.
CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19)
Something unexpected wants to be expressed through you. A coming-out of sorts may or may not be related to your romantic tastes, but a more authentic version of you is ready to shine forth. Follow your heart this time instead of your head.
AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18)
Revelations can shake your foundation, but a blessing arises in the rubble. Relationships are renewed based on greater honesty and mutual support.
PISCES (February 19–March 20)
Creative insights are pouring through you now. Tune in to your higher mind and trust the guidance you receive. Love yourself enough to structure your day based on this inner guidance and soon enough your new routine will bear golden fruit.